Who is Jacob?

I am a curious person and, as a leader, I am concerned with the organization's core performance and how we achieve the core task together. International exchange and cooperation projects are a significant part of my area of expertise.

Both well-being and teamwork are high on the agenda. Together we are both smarter, stronger and more diverse.

As a private person, I am a passionate father, family man, cook and enjoy life. My approach to life can be seen as social constructionist and my one daughter calls me a Buddhist.

I love to fly and in more ways than one. I have a fair amount of adventure and humor in my nature. My values are characterized by my multicultural curiosity and I perceive it as a decisive advantage to be able to see myself through the eyes of other cultures.

I like to go to great lengths to create long-lasting results.
There is a lot of talk about growth as the only salutary for political messages, for private business, for the key to welfare systems

To increase revenue, e.g. sales figures, audience influx and interest in the messages we send out and what we offer is growth. It is not interesting in itself.

If growth is accompanied by ethics, i.e. discipline, honesty and norms, it is progress.

If progress goes hand in hand with morality, humanity and spirituality we can talk about real success.
The success that changes the world and creates long-lasting positive changes for us all.

Some of my passions


